Should I submit my race and ethnicity on the LSAT?

The LSAT is a standardized test for law school admissions that has been used by many law schools since 1948. The last section of the test, or “personal statement,” requires you to indicate your race and ethnicity should you choose to do so. Many people wonder if it’s worth it to disclose this information on their personal statement given the fact that there are no set quotas at any US law school. Should you submit your race and ethnicity on the LSAT? In this article, we will explore both sides of the argument in an attempt to give you some insight into how best to answer this question.

Pros of disclosing race and ethnicity:

First, you should think about the fact that there are many law schools across America that have set quotas for minority students. If any such school is your target then it may help to emphasize in your personal statement what sets you apart from everyone else.

You should also consider the fact that law school programs are very competitive and you want to give yourself every advantage possible. You should think about what your chances of getting accepted maybe if you were a person of color or part of an ethnic minority group.

Finally, it can never hurt you if your LSAT score is average or above and you are a member of an ethnic minority group. The law school should consider your application on its merits in such situations, and it’s become more common to take diversity seriously and provide opportunities to people that didn’t come from privilege.


Cons of disclosing race and ethnicity:

On the other hand, there aren’t any guarantees when it comes to being accepted to law school. While you should write about your race and ethnicity on the LSAT if it applies to you, this should not be done in an attempt to secure a spot at a particular institution where racial quotas are enforced.

Another thing you should be mindful of is that should you be accepted to a law school, the admissions committee will have access to your race and ethnicity. There is no guarantee that this information will not become public should you later choose to leave or are asked to leave for some reason.

In conclusion, the decision on whether or not to indicate your ethnicity should be made with your own comfort level. You should not let anyone pressure you into making this decision one way or another. If you feel that it’s something that should be shared with the admissions committee for whatever reason, then by all means do so.

Should I submit my race and ethnicity on the LSAT?

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